Heart Kyol Che 2020-2021

What is Kyol Che?


"Kyol Che” is an intensive Zen retreat, traditionally held for 90 days in summer and winter in monasteries and temples in Korea. The name means “tight dharma” or “coming together.” We continue this tradition by offering Kyol Che retreats twice a year in Asia, Europe, and North America, but with the modern innovation of allowing participation for shorter periods of time. Many students travel to participate in Kyol Che on a different continent in order to practice with new teachers and experience practice with our international community.


What is the Heart Kyol Che? 

The Heart Kyol Che is an opportunity for students who cannot sit the traditional Kyol Che, or who can sit only part of it, to participate by doing extra practice at home and practicing together with others as they are able. This will run concurrently with the traditional Kyol Che. By doing this Heart Kyol Che together, we will strengthen our own practice, and provide support to our fellow students who are able to sit the traditional Kyol Che. We in turn can draw inspiration and energy from their commitment.


There are three Heart Kyol Che programs this year, and an online/offline hybrid winter retreat program. For more info about each, please click the buttons below.